using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; namespace GitHub.Unity { class ProjectWindowInterface : AssetPostprocessor { private static readonly List<GitStatusEntry> entries = new List<GitStatusEntry>(); private static List<GitLock> locks = new List<GitLock>(); private static readonly List<string> guids = new List<string>(); private static readonly List<string> guidsLocks = new List<string>(); private static bool initialized = false; private static IRepository repository; private static bool isBusy = false; private static ILogging logger; private static ILogging Logger { get { return logger = logger ?? Logging.GetLogger<ProjectWindowInterface>(); } } public static void Initialize(IRepository repo) { EditorApplication.projectWindowItemOnGUI -= OnProjectWindowItemGUI; EditorApplication.projectWindowItemOnGUI += OnProjectWindowItemGUI; initialized = true; repository = repo; if (repository != null) { repository.OnRepositoryChanged += RunStatusUpdateOnMainThread; repository.OnLocksUpdated += RunLocksUpdateOnMainThread; } } [MenuItem("Assets/Request Lock", true)] private static bool ContextMenu_CanLock() { if (isBusy) return false; if (repository == null || !repository.CurrentRemote.HasValue) return false; var selected = Selection.activeObject; if (selected == null) return false; if (locks == null) return false; NPath assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(selected.GetInstanceID()).ToNPath(); NPath repositoryPath = EntryPoint.Environment.GetRepositoryPath(assetPath); var alreadyLocked = locks.Any(x => { return repositoryPath == x.Path.ToNPath(); }); GitFileStatus status = GitFileStatus.None; if (entries != null) { status = entries.FirstOrDefault(x => repositoryPath == x.Path.ToNPath()).Status; } return !alreadyLocked && status != GitFileStatus.Untracked && status != GitFileStatus.Ignored; } [MenuItem("Assets/Request Lock")] private static void ContextMenu_Lock() { isBusy = true; var selected = Selection.activeObject; NPath assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(selected.GetInstanceID()).ToNPath(); NPath repositoryPath = EntryPoint.Environment.GetRepositoryPath(assetPath); repository .RequestLock(repositoryPath) .ThenInUI(_ => { isBusy = false; Selection.activeGameObject = null; EditorApplication.RepaintProjectWindow(); }) .Start(); } [MenuItem("Assets/Release lock", true, 1000)] private static bool ContextMenu_CanUnlock() { if (isBusy) return false; if (repository == null || !repository.CurrentRemote.HasValue) return false; var selected = Selection.activeObject; if (selected == null) return false; if (locks == null || locks.Count == 0) return false; NPath assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(selected.GetInstanceID()).ToNPath(); NPath repositoryPath = EntryPoint.Environment.GetRepositoryPath(assetPath); var isLocked = locks.Any(x => repositoryPath == x.Path.ToNPath()); return isLocked; } [MenuItem("Assets/Release lock", false, 1000)] private static void ContextMenu_Unlock() { isBusy = true; var selected = Selection.activeObject; NPath assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(selected.GetInstanceID()).ToNPath(); NPath repositoryPath = EntryPoint.Environment.GetRepositoryPath(assetPath); repository .ReleaseLock(repositoryPath, false) .ThenInUI(_ => { isBusy = false; Selection.activeGameObject = null; EditorApplication.RepaintProjectWindow(); }) .Start(); } public static void Run() { Refresh(); } private static void OnPostprocessAllAssets(string[] imported, string[] deleted, string[] moveDestination, string[] moveSource) { Refresh(); } private static void Refresh() { if (repository == null) return; if (initialized) { if (!DefaultEnvironment.OnWindows) { repository.Refresh(); } } } private static void RunLocksUpdateOnMainThread(IEnumerable<GitLock> update) { new ActionTask(EntryPoint.ApplicationManager.TaskManager.Token, _ => OnLocksUpdate(update)) .ScheduleUI(EntryPoint.ApplicationManager.TaskManager); } private static void OnLocksUpdate(IEnumerable<GitLock> update) { if (update == null) { return; } locks = update.ToList(); guidsLocks.Clear(); foreach (var lck in locks) { NPath repositoryPath = lck.Path.ToNPath(); NPath assetPath = EntryPoint.Environment.GetAssetPath(repositoryPath); var g = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(assetPath); guidsLocks.Add(g); } } private static void RunStatusUpdateOnMainThread(GitStatus update) { EntryPoint.ApplicationManager.TaskManager.ScheduleUI(new ActionTask(EntryPoint.ApplicationManager.TaskManager.Token, _ => OnStatusUpdate(update))); } private static void OnStatusUpdate(GitStatus update) { if (update.Entries == null) { return; } entries.Clear(); entries.AddRange(update.Entries); guids.Clear(); for (var index = 0; index < entries.Count; ++index) { var gitStatusEntry = entries[index]; var path = gitStatusEntry.ProjectPath; if (gitStatusEntry.Status == GitFileStatus.Ignored) { continue; } if (!path.StartsWith("Assets", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { continue; } if (path.EndsWith(".meta", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { continue; } var guid = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(path); guids.Add(guid); } EditorApplication.RepaintProjectWindow(); } private static void OnProjectWindowItemGUI(string guid, Rect itemRect) { if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint || string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid)) { return; } var index = guids.IndexOf(guid); var indexLock = guidsLocks.IndexOf(guid); if (index < 0 && indexLock < 0) { return; } GitStatusEntry? gitStatusEntry = null; GitFileStatus status = GitFileStatus.None; if (index >= 0) { gitStatusEntry = entries[index]; status = gitStatusEntry.Value.Status; } var isLocked = indexLock >= 0; var texture = Styles.GetFileStatusIcon(status, isLocked); if (texture == null) { var path = gitStatusEntry.HasValue ? gitStatusEntry.Value.Path : string.Empty; Logger.Warning("Unable to retrieve texture for Guid:{0} EntryPath:{1} Status: {2} IsLocked:{3}", guid, path, status.ToString(), isLocked); return; } Rect rect; // End of row placement if (itemRect.width > itemRect.height) { rect = new Rect(itemRect.xMax - texture.width, itemRect.y, texture.width, Mathf.Min(texture.height, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight)); } // Corner placement // TODO: Magic numbers that need reviewing. Make sure this works properly with long filenames and wordwrap. else { var scale = itemRect.height / 90f; var size = new Vector2(texture.width * scale, texture.height * scale); var offset = new Vector2(itemRect.width * Mathf.Min(.4f * scale, .2f), itemRect.height * Mathf.Min(.2f * scale, .2f)); rect = new Rect( - size.x * .5f + offset.x, - size.y * .5f + offset.y, size.x, size.y); } GUI.DrawTexture(rect, texture, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit); } } }