# VLC palette
This document is a summary of the colors used in the VLC 4.0 desktop application. It sits between
the Zeplin high level recommandations and the VLCColors source file. The idea is to have a complete
listing of the components and their colors / opacity and try to harmonize them before merging them
into generic colors in the final VLCColors file.
## Colors
| color | light | dark |
| ---------- | --------- | --------- |
| accent | `#ff610a` | `#ff8800` |
| gridSelect | `#e5e5e5` | `#303030` |
| listHover | `#e9e9e9` | `#272727` |
| tabHover | `#f2f2f2` | `#303030` |
| playlist | `#666666` | `#a6a6a6` |
| highlight | `black` | `white` |
| barDefault | `#999999` | `#6f6f6f` |
| barHover | `#4c4c4c` | `#b7b7b7` |
| player | `#484848` | `#e5e5e5` |
| playA | `#f89a06` | `#f89a06` |
| playB | `#e25a01` | `#e25a01` |
| action | `#e65609` | `#e67a00` |
| menuHover | `#303030` | `#303030` |
| menuSelect | `#2a2a2a` | `#2a2a2a` |
## VideoGrid item
- https://app.zeplin.io/project/5e271dc7628e287e59163571/screen/60869b5dee153a115416d2a0
- GridItem.qml
| state | color | light | dark |
| --------- | ------------ | --------- | --------- |
| select | `gridSelect` | `#e5e5e5` | `#303030` |
| border | `accent` | `#ff610a` | `#ff8800` |
## VideoList item
- https://app.zeplin.io/project/5e271dc7628e287e59163571/screen/60869b5d7e303110e3168d19
- TableViewDelegate.qml
| state | color | light | dark |
| --------- | ------------ | --------- | --------- |
| hover | `listHover` | `#e9e9e9` | `#272727` |
| select | `gridSelect` | `#e5e5e5` | `#303030` |
## TabBar button
- https://app.zeplin.io/project/5e271dc7628e287e59163571/screen/60869b5d7ee2251628a8caa4
- BannerTabButton.qml
| state | color | light | dark |
| --------- | ------------ | --------- | --------- |
| hover | `tabHover` | `#f2f2f2` | `#303030` |
| border | `accent` | `#ff610a` | `#ff8800` |
## Playlist item
- https://app.zeplin.io/project/5e271dc7628e287e59163571/screen/60869b5ea716e3120f5e30e4
- PlaylistDelegate.qml
| state | color | light | dark |
| --------- | ------------ | --------- | --------- |
| hover | `listHover` | `#e9e9e9` | `#272727` |
| select | `gridSelect` | `#e5e5e5` | `#303030` |
## Playlist button
- https://app.zeplin.io/project/5e271dc7628e287e59163571/screen/60869b63084a7012b374e2c1
- IconToolButton.qml
| state | color | light | dark |
| --------- | ------------ | --------- | --------- |
| default | `playlist` | `#666666` | `#a6a6a6` |
| hover | `highlight` | `black` | `white` |
| active | `accent` | `#ff610a` | `#ff8800` |
## Search bar
- https://app.zeplin.io/project/5e271dc7628e287e59163571/screen/60869b60ded10e1804b076e3
- DiscoverUrlDisplay.qml
| state | color | light | dark |
| --------- | ------------ | --------- | --------- |
| default | `barDefault` | `#999999` | `#6f6f6f` |
| hover | `barHover` | `#4c4c4c` | `#b7b7b7` |
| focus | `accent` | `#ff610a` | `#ff8800` |
## Player button
- https://app.zeplin.io/project/5e271dc7628e287e59163571/screen/60869b63084a7012b374e2c1
- IconControlButton.qml
| state | color | light | dark |
| --------- | ------------ | --------- | --------- |
| base | `player` | `#484848` | `#e5e5e5` |
| hover | `highlight` | `black` | `white` |
| active | `accent` | `#ff610a` | `#ff8800` |
## Play button
- https://app.zeplin.io/project/5e271dc7628e287e59163571/screen/60869b64fd3091146ef3800e
- ControlButtons.qml
| state | color | light | dark |
| --------- | ------------ | --------- | --------- |
| gradientA | `playA` | `#f89a06` | `#f89a06` |
| gradientB | `playB` | `#e25a01` | `#e25a01` |
## Action button (level 1)
- https://app.zeplin.io/project/5e271dc7628e287e59163571/screen/60869b6870f37312252080ef
- TabButtonExt.qml
| state | color | light | dark |
| --------- | ------------ | --------- | --------- |
| default | `accent` | `#ff610a` | `#ff8800` |
| hover | `action` | `#e65609` | `#e67a00` |
## Action button (level 2)
- https://app.zeplin.io/project/5e271dc7628e287e59163571/screen/60869b6870f37312252080ef
- TabButtonExt.qml
| state | color | light | dark |
| --------- | ------------ | --------- | --------- |
| default | `playlist` | `#666666` | `#a6a6a6` |
| hover | `highlight` | `black` | `white` |
## Dropdown
- https://app.zeplin.io/project/5e271dc7628e287e59163571/screen/6093af207e708132075e799e
- SortControl.qml
| state | color | light | dark |
| --------- | ------------ | --------- | --------- |
| hover | `listHover` | `#e9e9e9` | `#272727` |
## Track menu
- https://app.zeplin.io/project/5e271dc7628e287e59163571/screen/6093af20763f0608f007031d
- LanguageMenu.qml, CheckedDelegate.qml
| state | color | light | dark |
| --------- | ------------ | --------- | --------- |
| hover | `menuHover` | `#303030` | `#303030` |
| select | `menuSelect` | `#2a2a2a` | `#2a2a2a` |
## Author
Benjamin Arnaud | <bunjee@omega.gg> |