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* Project: MagpieRSS: a simple RSS integration tool
* File: - parse an RSS or Atom feed
* return as a simple object.
* Handles RSS 0.9x, RSS 2.0, RSS 1.0, and Atom 0.3
* The lastest version of MagpieRSS can be obtained from:
* For questions, help, comments, discussion, etc., please join the
* Magpie mailing list:
* @author Kellan Elliott-McCrea <>
* @version 0.7a
* @license GPL
* Project: MagpieRSS: a simple RSS integration tool
* File: - parse an RSS or Atom feed
* return as a simple object.
* Handles RSS 0.9x, RSS 2.0, RSS 1.0, and Atom 0.3
* The lastest version of MagpieRSS can be obtained from:
* For questions, help, comments, discussion, etc., please join the
* Magpie mailing list:
* @author Kellan Elliott-McCrea <>
* @version 0.7a
* @license GPL
define('RSS', 'RSS');
define('ATOM', 'Atom');
define('RSS', 'RSS');
define('ATOM', 'Atom');
require_once (MAGPIE_DIR . '');
require_once (MAGPIE_DIR . '');
* Hybrid parser, and object, takes RSS as a string and returns a simple object.
* see: for a simpler interface with integrated caching support
class MagpieRSS {
var $parser;
var $current_item = array(); // item currently being parsed
var $items = array(); // collection of parsed items
var $channel = array(); // hash of channel fields
var $textinput = array();
var $image = array();
var $feed_type;
var $feed_version;
var $encoding = ''; // output encoding of parsed rss
var $_source_encoding = ''; // only set if we have to parse xml prolog
var $ERROR = "";
var $WARNING = "";
// define some constants
var $_CONTENT_CONSTRUCTS = array('content', 'summary', 'info', 'title', 'tagline', 'copyright');
var $_KNOWN_ENCODINGS = array('UTF-8', 'US-ASCII', 'ISO-8859-1');
* Hybrid parser, and object, takes RSS as a string and returns a simple object.
* see: for a simpler interface with integrated caching support
class MagpieRSS {
var $parser;
var $current_item = array(); // item currently being parsed
var $items = array(); // collection of parsed items
var $channel = array(); // hash of channel fields
var $textinput = array();
var $image = array();
var $feed_type;
var $feed_version;
var $encoding = ''; // output encoding of parsed rss
var $_source_encoding = ''; // only set if we have to parse xml prolog
var $ERROR = "";
var $WARNING = "";
// define some constants
var $_CONTENT_CONSTRUCTS = array('content', 'summary', 'info', 'title', 'tagline', 'copyright');
var $_KNOWN_ENCODINGS = array('UTF-8', 'US-ASCII', 'ISO-8859-1');
// parser variables, useless if you're not a parser, treat as private
var $stack = array(); // parser stack
var $inchannel = false;
var $initem = false;
var $incontent = false; // if in Atom <content mode="xml"> field
var $intextinput = false;
var $inimage = false;
var $current_namespace = false;
// parser variables, useless if you're not a parser, treat as private
var $stack = array(); // parser stack
var $inchannel = false;
var $initem = false;
var $incontent = false; // if in Atom <content mode="xml"> field
var $intextinput = false;
var $inimage = false;
var $current_namespace = false;
* Set up XML parser, parse source, and return populated RSS object..
* @param string $source string containing the RSS to be parsed
* NOTE: Probably a good idea to leave the encoding options alone unless
* you know what you're doing as PHP's character set support is
* a little weird.
* NOTE: A lot of this is unnecessary but harmless with PHP5
* @param string $output_encoding output the parsed RSS in this character
* set defaults to ISO-8859-1 as this is PHP's
* default.
* NOTE: might be changed to UTF-8 in future
* versions.
* @param string $input_encoding the character set of the incoming RSS source.
* Leave blank and Magpie will try to figure it
* out.
* @param bool $detect_encoding if false Magpie won't attempt to detect
* source encoding. (caveat emptor)
function MagpieRSS ($source, $output_encoding='ISO-8859-1',
$input_encoding=null, $detect_encoding=true)
# if PHP xml isn't compiled in, die
if (!function_exists('xml_parser_create')) {
$this->error( "Failed to load PHP's XML Extension. " .
list($parser, $source) = $this->create_parser($source,
$output_encoding, $input_encoding, $detect_encoding);
if (!is_resource($parser)) {
$this->error( "Failed to create an instance of PHP's XML parser. " .
* Set up XML parser, parse source, and return populated RSS object..
* @param string $source string containing the RSS to be parsed
* NOTE: Probably a good idea to leave the encoding options alone unless
* you know what you're doing as PHP's character set support is
* a little weird.
* NOTE: A lot of this is unnecessary but harmless with PHP5
* @param string $output_encoding output the parsed RSS in this character
* set defaults to ISO-8859-1 as this is PHP's
* default.
* NOTE: might be changed to UTF-8 in future
* versions.
* @param string $input_encoding the character set of the incoming RSS source.
* Leave blank and Magpie will try to figure it
* out.
* @param bool $detect_encoding if false Magpie won't attempt to detect
* source encoding. (caveat emptor)
function MagpieRSS ($source, $output_encoding='ISO-8859-1',
$input_encoding=null, $detect_encoding=true)
# if PHP xml isn't compiled in, die
if (!function_exists('xml_parser_create')) {
$this->error( "Failed to load PHP's XML Extension. " .
list($parser, $source) = $this->create_parser($source,
$output_encoding, $input_encoding, $detect_encoding);
if (!is_resource($parser)) {
$this->error( "Failed to create an instance of PHP's XML parser. " .
$this->parser = $parser;
# pass in parser, and a reference to this object
# setup handlers
xml_set_object( $this->parser, $this );
'feed_start_element', 'feed_end_element' );
xml_set_character_data_handler( $this->parser, 'feed_cdata' );
$status = xml_parse( $this->parser, $source );
if (! $status ) {
$errorcode = xml_get_error_code( $this->parser );
if ( $errorcode != XML_ERROR_NONE ) {
$xml_error = xml_error_string( $errorcode );
$error_line = xml_get_current_line_number($this->parser);
$error_col = xml_get_current_column_number($this->parser);
$errormsg = "$xml_error at line $error_line, column $error_col";
$this->parser = $parser;
# pass in parser, and a reference to this object
# setup handlers
xml_set_object( $this->parser, $this );
'feed_start_element', 'feed_end_element' );
xml_set_character_data_handler( $this->parser, 'feed_cdata' );
$status = xml_parse( $this->parser, $source );
if (! $status ) {
$errorcode = xml_get_error_code( $this->parser );
if ( $errorcode != XML_ERROR_NONE ) {
$xml_error = xml_error_string( $errorcode );
$error_line = xml_get_current_line_number($this->parser);
$error_col = xml_get_current_column_number($this->parser);
$errormsg = "$xml_error at line $error_line, column $error_col";
$this->error( $errormsg );
xml_parser_free( $this->parser );
$this->error( $errormsg );
xml_parser_free( $this->parser );
function feed_start_element($p, $element, &$attrs) {
$el = $element = strtolower($element);
$attrs = array_change_key_case($attrs, CASE_LOWER);
// check for a namespace, and split if found
$ns = false;
if ( strpos( $element, ':' ) ) {
list($ns, $el) = preg_split( ':', $element, 2);
function feed_start_element($p, $element, &$attrs) {
$el = $element = strtolower($element);
$attrs = array_change_key_case($attrs, CASE_LOWER);
// check for a namespace, and split if found
$ns = false;
if ( strpos( $element, ':' ) ) {
list($ns, $el) = split( ':', $element, 2);
if ( $ns and $ns != 'rdf' ) {
$this->current_namespace = $ns;
......@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@
while( !feof($file) )
// Comments are allowed
if( !preg_match("^ *#",$line) && !preg_match("^ *$",$line) )
if( !ereg("^ *#",$line) && !ereg("^ *$",$line) )
// Topics start with "|"
if( preg_match("^ *\|",$line) && $msg )
if( ereg("^ *\|",$line) && $msg )
$date = $ex[1];
......@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
while( !feof($file) )
// Comments are allowed
if( !preg_match("^ *#",$line) && !preg_match("^ *$",$line) )
if( !ereg("^ *#",$line) && !ereg("^ *$",$line) )
// Topics start with "|"
if( preg_match("^ *\|",$line) && $msg )
if( ereg("^ *\|",$line) && $msg )
$date = $ex[1];
......@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ part with '@'. </p>
global $count, $file;
if( $count >= count($file) ) return('');
$line = preg_replace("\n", '',$file[$count]);
$line = ereg_replace("\n", '',$file[$count]);
if( preg_match('^[ #]+', $line) ) return('');
if( ereg('^[ #]+', $line) ) return('');
return htmlspecialchars($line);
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ part with '@'. </p>
while (false!=($f = readdir($handle))) {
if(preg_match("AUTHORS.vlc", $f)) {
if(ereg("AUTHORS.vlc", $f)) {
$file = file($f);
foreach( $file as $line ) {
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ part with '@'. </p>
else if(preg_match("AUTHORS",$f)) {
else if(ereg("AUTHORS",$f)) {
......@@ -204,17 +204,17 @@
<div class="col-sm-6">
<li style="padding-bottom: 8px;">VLC 3.0 "Vetinari" is a new major update of VLC.</li>
<li>VLC 3.0 activates hardware decoding by default, to get <a href="">4K and 8K playback!</a></li>
<li>It supports 10bits and HDR</li>
<li>VLC supports 360 video and 3D audio, up to Ambisoncics 3rd order</li>
<li>VLC 3.0 activates <b>hardware decoding</b> by default, to get <a href="">4K and 8K playback!</a></li>
<li>It supports <b>10bits</b> and <b>HDR</b></li>
<li>VLC supports <b>360 video</b> and <b>3D audio</b>, up to Ambisoncics 3rd order</li>
<div class="col-sm-6">
<li>Allows passthrough for HD audio codecs</li>
<li>Can stream to Chromecast devices, even in formats not supported natively</li>
<li>Can play Blu-Ray Java menus: BD-J</li>
<li>VLC supports browsing of local network drives and NAS</li>
<li>Allows <b>audio passthrough</b> for HD audio codecs</li>
<li>Can stream to <b>Chromecast</b> devices, even in formats not supported natively</li>
<li>Can play <b>Blu-Ray Java menus</b>: BD-J</li>
<li>VLC supports browsing of <b>local network</b> drives and NAS</li>
<div class="feat-margin-left extra-info-link2 padding-top pull-right">Read the <a href="/developers/vlc-branch/NEWS"/>Changelog</a>.</div>