<pstyle="margin: 10px 0;"><b><br/>The <ahref="/videolan/">VideoLAN non-profit organisation</a> is happy to
invite you to the multimedia open-source event of the summer!</b></p>
<p>2016 is a special year for many FLOSS projects: <ahref="\\videolan">VideoLAN</a> as open-source project and <ahref="https://fsfe.org">Free Software Foundation Europe</a> both have their 15th birthday while <ahref="https://www.kde.org">KDE</a> has its 20th birthday. All these call for celebrations! This year VideoLAN has come together with <ahref="http://www.qt.io">Qt</a>, <ahref="https://fsfe.org">FSFE</a>, <ahref="https://www.kde.org">KDE</a> and <ahref="https://www.kdab.com">KDAB</a> to bring you <b><ahref="https://qtcon.org">QtCon</a></b>, where attendees can meet, collaborate and get the latest news of all these projects.<br/>For its eigths edition, <b>VideoLAN Dev Days 2016</b> will be organised as part of <b>QtCon</b> in Berlin. The event will start on Friday the 2nd of September with 3 shared days of talks, workshops, meetups and coding sessions.</p>
<p>2016 is a special year for many FLOSS projects: <ahref="/videolan">VideoLAN</a> as open-source project and <ahref="https://fsfe.org">Free Software Foundation Europe</a> both have their 15th birthday while <ahref="https://www.kde.org">KDE</a> has its 20th birthday. All these call for celebrations! This year VideoLAN has come together with <ahref="http://www.qt.io">Qt</a>, <ahref="https://fsfe.org">FSFE</a>, <ahref="https://www.kde.org">KDE</a> and <ahref="https://www.kdab.com">KDAB</a> to bring you <b><ahref="https://qtcon.org">QtCon</a></b>, where attendees can meet, collaborate and get the latest news of all these projects.<br/>For its eigths edition, <b>VideoLAN Dev Days 2016</b> will be organised as part of <b>QtCon</b> in Berlin. The event will start on Friday the 2nd of September with 3 shared days of talks, workshops, meetups and coding sessions.</p>
<p><?phpimage('events/vdd16/QtConInfo_v4_wee.jpg','QtCon Info v4','announce-img');?></p>